Made in the Shade Jersey Shore

Locally owned and operated by Ryan Lepree
Request a Free Consultation
Call 848-333-3870 or fill out the form below and we’ll connect back within one business day.
About Made in the Shade Jersey Shore

Ryan was a long time sales professional working in the advertising industry for the better part of the last 15 years. Over time he realized that he wanted more for his career, family and most of all quality of life. Knowing it was time to start to explore going off on his own he looked at where his strengths and interests lie. Having and strong background in home improvement, home design, as well as consultative sales he realized that he has a passion for helping people make educated decisions and he also knew that he wanted to provide a product or service for the home owner as well as building industry.
After doing a lot of research he realized selling and installing window treatments would be the perfect fit for him and his family. Ryan will provide his customers with expert consultation, taking in what the customers needs are and by helping them make a decision that will provide both the aesthetic look as well as function that the homeowner is looking to be accomplish. This is all done through a no hassle, no pressure in home consultation where the homeowner can see manufactures samples in their actual home environment. After the custom window treatments are ordered and manufactured Ryan and or one of his expert installers will return and professionally install the products, teach the home owner about proper operation and care as well as leave your home as clean or cleaner than in was before the install.